Welcome to Parallels Podcast, Africa Scotland Business Network’s very own international business podcast produced in partnership with Clyde Broadcast. 

ASBN is home to some of the most dynamic and experienced business leaders worldwide. The Parallels Podcast spotlights the triumphs, challenges and successes of Africa Scotland Business Network’s member company leaders and CEOs.

Parallels takes you between the lines of courageous, inspiring and pioneering individuals who transform ambitions into unwavering success and impact. Our podcast interviews provide access to a wealth of quality content and connects you to a robust network of dynamic business professionals who work in or with Africa.

Share your favourite interviews and reels on your own socials! Tag Africa Scotland Business Network on Linkedin, instagram @africa_scotland and Tiktok @theparallelspodcast and our production partner Clyde Broadcast on Linkedin and Instagram @clydebroadcast

Parallels Podcast is produced in partnership with ASBN member company Clyde Broadcast of Scotland, led by MD Brian Rowan.